Sunday, December 19, 2010

Their Eyes Were Watching God, Chapter One.

My Second Book, Their Eyes Were Watching God, 193 pages.

Chapter One:

The book starts out with Janie walking back into town. And all of the people in the town are sitting out on their poaches talking about her. They all sit outside at sundown everyday. The boss man was gone, they were all outside and they felt like they had power.

They seen Janie walking back into town and she was dressed in dirty overalls. She left town in nice clothes, with a younger man named Tea Cake. Everyone was saying rude things about her, like that he took her money and left her for a younger woman, because Janie was older than him.

When she walked past everyone they told her good evening. Even though they were all talking about her and wondering what had happened. After she walked into her house everyone laughed at her. Some people did stick up for her though.

Pheoby sort of went on a rage towards everyone because they were saying mean things about her. She pretty much flipped out at everyone, then went and made Janie dinner. Pheoby goes over to her house and finds her sitting on her back porch.

Pheoby gives Janie a plate of rice, and they both sit down to talk as she eats it. Then begin to talk about pretty much everything, how their lives are, and the town and all the people in it. Pheoby really wants to know what Janie has been doing, and what happened to Tea Cake. But she doesn't want to seem nosy.

Janie goes on to tell her that she still has $900 in the bank, and that Tea Cake didn't take any of her money. She also tells her that Tea Cake died, and that's why shes back in town. Her and Tea Cake lived in the everglades.

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